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Cole Reilly

Cole Reilly

Cole Reilly is an associate professor of education at Towson University who routinely teaches social studies methods courses, as well as classes focused on social justice, diversity/multiculturalism, and urban education. At various times in his tenure at TU, he supervised senior ELED majors in their yearlong PDS internships as well. In each course he teaches, he and his students investigate how practice stands to inform theory (and vice versa) in terms of exploring progressive pedagogies, critical feminist methodologies, and the development of more socially just and empowering curricula.

As has been the case with much of his work, Cole’s interests represent a braiding of seemingly contrasting realms of thought. His research and scholarly work often draw upon the practitioner world of teacher preparation and professional development, focusing upon reflective growth among teachers, self-study, inquiry, social studies methods, and teacher identity development, as well as service learning, curricular (re)design, pedagogical discourse(s), school climate, and pop-culture. He likes to conduct empirical research that focuses upon matters of social constructivist meaning-making around notions of gender(ing), sexuality, race, and class, as well as other matters of identity, equity, perspective, and socially just praxis in K-12 classrooms (and beyond).”


We seek to create a space in which to advance the ideals of progressive curriculum and democratic leadership in education through dialogue and action.